This was the relaxing part of the trip. Not the 5 hour drive there. Can you say SCREAMING child in back seat that just wants out of his carseat. You feel like a trapped animal. There is nothing you can do to make him happy and you just have to hope that the madness will end soon. And it did. Finally! After about an Hour and a half of crying. And poor Isabelle is right next to him. Covering her ears.
This was the next day riding the tea cups with Isabelle. We had the most fun!!! Hasten riding the tractor. We could not get him off this thing. He loved bouncing around on it. Future Farmer.
The next Danica Patrick. Isabelle loved driving the little go carts and would cut other kids off so she could get in front. She kept saying " I won that race."
Shopping at the outlets in Branson. The kids are trying to escape. They thought the horse would get them out of there. LOL!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Our trip to Branson
Living, Laughing, & Loving Renee Conley 1 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My little cowboy playing dress up with sissy.
Getting into lots of fun stuff!!
Isabelle playing dress up. My pretty little princess.
This is Isabelle post boo. She fell off the monkey bars and bit almost through her bottom lip. She thought she could go across by herself. She learned this lesson the hard way. I doubt it will be the last time! I think it was more traumatic for me than her. She didn't even want to leave the playground after it happened. She said " I'm OK! I just want to swing." I love her carefree attitude. I strive to be more like that.
Living, Laughing, & Loving Renee Conley 1 comments
Friday, May 09, 2008
Random Pictures!!
Hasten playing in the water table w/ green sand. He likes the way the sand taste.
Isabelle and Daddy riding bikes.
Hasten's first taste of spaghetti. He didn't really like it.
Isabelle and her BFF Lily at the program.
Striking a pose!
Living, Laughing, & Loving Renee Conley 1 comments