We did it! 13.1 miles and it was amazing. I'm posting these pictures for my family to see that I did in fact finish the marathon. I always heard that marathons are additive. I can't explain it, but it is like you've done it once why not push yourself more. Here are a few picture to document the day. It was a blast and I would totally recommend it. Jason already wants to sign up for the next one.
Before the race.Tracking devices you put on your shoe. This way they know your name when you cross the finish line. Way cool!!
After the race. With our medals. My kids thought that it was so cool that I got a medal. Isabelle asked if I won? Not quite honey.
5 years ago
yeah for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woohoo!! Can't wait to do it again!
We are so proud of all of you!
Nonna & Pa
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